Karlijn Morsink
Nomination Teacher of the Year Award Utrecht University 2023
Senior Teaching Qualification (SKOw)
Basic Teaching Qualification
2024 - current Economics of Global Challenges, Master Economic Policy and Master Sustainable Finance and Investments, Utrecht University​
2020 - current Causal Inference for Empirical Economics, Research Master Multidisciplinary Economics, Utrecht University & WASS Wageningen University​
2021- current Advanced Development Economics, Research Master Multidisciplinary Economics, Utrecht University & WASS Wageningen University​
2018 - 2024 The Real-World Perspective, Bachelor Economics and Business Economics, Utrecht University​
2018 - 2021 Microinsurance, Institutions, and Welfare, Bachelor Economics and Business Economics, Utrecht University​
2018 - 2019 Principles of Microeconomics, Bachelor Economics and Business Economics, Utrecht University​
2018 - 2019 Research Skills 3, Research Master Multidisciplinary Economics, Utrecht University​
2015 - 2018 Eliciting Preferences and Beliefs in Developing Countries, PhD course University of Oxford, University of Cape Town and Georgia State University​
2012 - 2016 Poverty, Risk and Insurance, MSc Development Economics, University of Oxford​
​Research Master and Master theses
Mia Ravbar, 2024, ‘Farmers’ Responses to Adverse Weather Shocks’ - Research Master Multidisciplinary Economics, Utrecht University - Best thesis award
Samin Nikkhah Bahrami, 2024, ‘On Targeting: Predictors of Expected Consumer Welfare from Catastrophic Drought Insurance’ - Research Master Multidisciplinary Economics, Utrecht University
Carla Colossi, 2024, ‘Does the end justify the measure? Contraceptive choice and performance-based financing in family planning’ - Research Master Multidisciplinary Economics, Utrecht University
Egor Bronnikov, 2023, ‘You Are What You Listen To Until You Wish To Stop: Experimental Study on Propaganda and Motivated Beliefs’ - Research Master Multidisciplinary Economics, Utrecht University
Sarah Leuthold, 2023, ‘Culture versus Markets: Inheritance Practices and the Direction of Marriage Payments’ - Research Master Economics, Tinbergen Institute
Vinh Phan, ‘Belief Updating in a Stochastic World’ - Research Master Economics, Tinbergen Institute
Anouk van Veldhoven, 2022, ‘Interventions that disrupt the peace: Intimate partner violence when edutainment is targeted at men, women or both’ - Research Master Multidisciplinary Economics, Utrecht University - Best thesis award; Best thesis award Utrecht University
Anaya Dam, 2021, ‘Working towards goals: The impact of a goal setting intervention on improving learning outcomes. Experimental evidence from Uganda’ - Research Master Multidisciplinary Economics, Utrecht University​
Michael Blake, ‘Index Insurance, Informal Risk Sharing and Rural Poverty: Evidence from Ethiopia' MPhil Economics, University of Oxford
Emma Riley, ‘Mobile Money Services and Insurance Against Aggregate Shocks’ MPhil Economics, University of Oxford
Qhelile Nyathi, ‘Informal Risk-Sharing and the Demand for Index Insurance.’ MPhil Economics, University of Oxford
Anne de Jong, ‘Insuring the poor. A combined micro health insurance feasibility and demand study for rural Nepal.’ MPhil Economics, Econometrics and Finance, University of Groningen
Marieke Lenders, ‘Local coping strategies in Rural Tamil Nadu’ MSc Development Economics, Wageningen University, 2010
PhD supervision
​2025 - current Co-promotor Mia Ravbar, PhD Economics, Utrecht University (with Charles van Marrewijk and Inge van den Bijgaart)
2024 - current Co-promotor Samin Nikkhah Bahrami, PhD Economics & Data Science, Utrecht University (with Charles van Marrewijk and Mehdi Shafiee Kamalabad)
2023 - current Co-promotor Sarah Leuthold, PhD Economics, University of Amsterdam (with Menno Pradhan)
2022 - current Co-promotor Lotte van der Haar, PhD Development Economics, Wageningen University (with Erwin Bulte)
2022 - current Co-promotor Emma Rikken, PhD Development Economics, Wageningen University (with Erwin Bulte)
2022 - current Co-promotor Anouk van Veldhoven, PhD Economics, Utrecht University (with Coen Teulings)
2021 - 2024 Co-promotor Anaya Dam, PhD Economics, Utrecht University (with Joost de Laat)